Thursday, 17 December 2020

Taking Medicines Vs. Making Lifestyle Changes


In the existing times, health problems can be common for certain people. For several kinds of health problems, such as a headache, fever, stomach ache, skin allergies, and even mental stress, popping a pill seems to be the go-to option for improving the health condition. Big names in the health and medical industry such as Jindal Naturecure have said that taking medication may be easier, however, making lifestyle changes is the next-level solution.

 So, exactly which option you prefer between taking medicines and making lifestyle changes? Let's read further to know.

 Popping Pills Vs. Lifestyle Changes: Which One should You Prefer?

 While comparing pills with lifestyle changes, it should be noted that both have their importance in different ways. Several health experts are of the opinion that prolonged illness requires the use of medication for improving the health at a better speed. In the case of symptoms or illnesses which can be treated by simple lifestyle changes, medication may not be necessarily used.

 In certain situations, a person may develop the habit of popping pills for every health problem, even when the problem is a minor one. Jindal Hospital Bangalore is of the opinion that with simple changes in one's lifestyle, several health problems and symptoms can be prevented. Interestingly, when minor health problems or symptoms develop, then the lifestyle changes will be helpful in dealing with these as well.

 While medicines can be much effective, taking an overdose of them can be a problem. Likewise, too much popping of medicines may cause addiction. Contrary to this, when simple lifestyle changes are made, the risk of overdosing or addiction will not arise. In fact, with lifestyle changes like eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding substances like tobacco, people can make an attempt to maintain the health of their heart, brain, lungs, etc.

 In Closing

 Taking medicines can be beneficial based on your doctor's advice and when the illness requires it. Simple lifestyle changes should be made for maintaining and improving your health. The wise use of either option will benefit you.

Saturday, 7 November 2020

Get Relief from Pain with Physiotherapy


Every day you are required to be in the pink of health for being productive. Pain in your body can reduce your productivity. When this pain is left untreated, you will not feel yourself to be in good health.

Physiotherapy can help you in finding relief from pain. Jindal Naturecure Institute, acknowledged for the practice of physiotherapy, has shared that this is one of the best options for managing pain in the body.

How does Physiotherapy Work for Pain Relief?

Physiotherapy is a treatment that involves working on pain in the body. With this treatment, the pain gets reduced. Along with that, the movement gets restored to the part of the body that was experiencing pain. People who get affected by a certain disability, injury or illness prefer this treatment for getting better.

There are various techniques involved in physiotherapy. Physiotherapists use their hands on the body tissues. With their hands, they perform therapies that promote improved circulation in the body. As the circulation improves, the tension in the body parts gets reduced. Thus, the affected part of the body becomes better. Over time, it begins to function too.

It will interest the readers to know that this practice is good for chronic pain as well. Patients with chronic pain tend to become weak. Physiotherapy works excellently for helping them in fighting this pain. Additionally, it makes them stronger.

Patients who have been experiencing pain for long may even find it tough to be functional. With this practice, they can gradually improve their health, as is put forth by Jindal Hospital Bangalore.

Some of you may be wondering how much time does physiotherapy take to work. Typically, the results of this practice can be seen after a few months. With the increase in the sessions of physiotherapy, greater results in the body can be observed.

To Sum up

Whether your body has less serious pain issues or highly serious ones, physiotherapy can give you relief. With time, you will begin to notice great improvements in your body. And the episodes of pain will become less frequent.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Can a Mud Bath Make You Healthier?


Do you love to keep yourself healthy in natural ways? If yes, then here is another natural way to make yourself healthier. Have you ever heard of the mud bath therapy? If you haven't tried it, then you probably are not aware of its surprising health benefits.

Among the top naturopathy brands, Jindal Nature Cure Bangalore believes that mud baths form the best natural way to add more health to your body. Walkthrough the exciting benefits of mud baths in this blog.

1. Mud Baths Improve Your Digestion

This may leave you surprised but indeed a mud bath can improve your digestion. Mud comes with the capability of absorbing the bad toxins and diluting them. So, the bad toxins that can actually make you sick are gently removed by mud baths. Additionally, this bath will also detox you and improve your metabolism.

2. Mud Baths Fight Fever and Headache

Fever and headache are among the health conditions that people experience the most. When you take a mud bath, the excess heat gets removed from your body. Gradually, you begin to feel cool.

As opposed to medicines that may or may not show any effect in doing away with a fever or headache, a mud bath can be your best natural alternative to fighting such a health condition, as is opined by Jindal Hospital Bangalore.

3. Mud Baths Bless You with Healthy Skin

A mud bath gives you the easiest way of detoxing your skin. If you often complain of pimples or acne or other such skin problems, then you can absolutely relax now. All the impurities present in your skin will be removed as and when you adopt the habit of giving yourself a mud bath.

Also, if pollution affects your skin a lot, then a mud bath will make your skin effective against that as well.

In the End

A mud bath can endow your body with benefits that you cannot even imagine. It can aid your digestion, give you relief from fever and headache, as well as improve your skin. We hope you enjoy the benefits of a mud bath soon!

Friday, 18 September 2020

Control Your Blood Pressure Naturally with Yoga


High blood pressure is one of the health conditions that may not show any symptoms. In the long run, however, it can put you at a greater risk. Various medicines are available to get the blood pressure back to the normal levels. Is there also a natural way of controlling it?

JindalHospital Bangalore suggests that yoga can help in controlling blood pressure naturally. There are 3 best yoga asanas that you can perform to control your blood pressure.

1. Practice Balasana or Child Pose

Balasana is a yoga pose that is very beneficial for the patients of hypertension. Several factors that can cause high levels of blood pressure can be worked upon with this pose. When you perform this pose, you will feel a calming effect from your shoulders to the neck. Proper circulation of blood in the body and reduced levels of stress are the best benefits of the balasana.

2. Practice Sukhasana or Easy Pose

Many of you may have heard that the easy pose is good for the regulation of breathing. Jindal Hospital Bangalore shares that when you do the sukhasana, you begin to have a healthy and peaceful mind. You will also feel a reduction in stress. The easy pose will also work on relieving the stress from your neck and back. On the whole, it will help in controlling the blood pressure levels as well.

3. Practice Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

The third best pose for reducing the problem of high blood pressure involves bhujangasana. By practising this pose regularly, you can expect a good circulation of blood as well as oxygen in your body. As you continue to do this pose, you will also notice flexibility in your body.

Not only for the patients of high blood pressure but also for the patients of asthma, this yoga asana will be helpful.

Final Notes

Patients of high blood pressure, who started practising these yoga asanas regularly, have noticed great differences in their body. To enhance the flow of blood and oxygen in your body, you can also practice these asanas.


Friday, 5 June 2020

Natural ways to boost your immunity and to fight coronavirus

Natural ways to boost your immunity and to fight coronavirus

Coronavirus can hit the immunity in the worst scenarios. Therefore the government of every country has kept the boundaries of being in the quarantine and strictly one should be restrained to their homes. It is important that you take all the precautions to stay protected.

Now that you have to stay warm, you have got plenty of time to develop new habits and eradicate all those that are not good for your health or lifestyle in the long run. As they say, it takes 21 days to ideate and creates positive changes to the lifestyle. All the healthy habits will lead to a stronger immune system and will turn you less vulnerable against the diseases. JindalHospital Bangalore suggests some healthy habits that one may indulge in to strengthen their immune system. These are little changes that one can make in their diet and day to day lifestyle. We list down a few ways that will help you:

Keep the stress levels low
Yes everyone is facing the pandemic equally. It doesn’t mean that you need to stress and take the burden on your shoulders all alone. Try reducing the stress levels to have a healthy lifestyle. Make sure that you are getting enough sleep so that the stress level is at bay. If you wish to function properly, it is important that your immunity system is boosted in a natural way. Also, don’t forget to add a few green plants in your home as that will help in keeping the environment calm and composed. The increase in oxygen will help you to become more serene. Meditation is yet another way to reduce the exciting and stress level. It will keep your mind and soul at peace. To complement the same, you may listen to calm music for a better flow of meditation.

Exercise regularly
To engage in a physical activity like walking out will keep your body flow in the motion regularly. It will also help in boosting the immune system. One can practice running, stretching, swimming, skipping, exercising, etc. It will make your body less lethargic during this time. One can also practice yoga as that also intensifies the flow of blood circulation in the body. If you are maintaining a good schedule which includes a healthy sleeping cycle, starting the day right with meditation and exercise, consuming a proper diet, you are pretty much doing it all! This will help you to grow the immunity naturally.

Improve dietary habits
It is important to implement a healthy diet plan. If you wish to strengthen your immune system, try indulging in a plant-based diet. This may involve vegetables like spinach, green leafy vegetables, nuts, fruits, etc. This will help you in making less vulnerable to illnesses. Vegetables are a source of great foods that helps in boosting your immune system.

Jindal nature cure urges each one of you to maintain social distance and take proper cure against COVID-19. We promote natural remedies and naturopathy practices for a healthy body and mind.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

How to increase immunity with naturopathy?

It’s the time that we should throw ourselves back to natural Indian remedies. These natural remedies or home treatments help an individual to boost their immunity during such pandemic situations like Coronavirus or at the time of where we are caught up with cold, flu or any infection.

The season is ever-changing, and the flu season is here to stay for a few weeks. It’s time to buckle up and stay healthy. 
Jindal Nature Cure explains how several natural treatments can be the used for boosting your immune system. These are proven methods. So you may try at your home and practice yoga alongside.

Benefits of Natural Remedies 
* Conventional medicine.
* Naturally healing ingredients.
* Cost-effective.
* Stabilises your metabolism level.
* Helps your immune system to grow stronger
* Easy to consume than prescribed medicine.

We have created a few ways which will give you a healthy living strategy. Follow these and keep your health in check!

1. Remember your A-B-C-D-Es. 
There are so many vitamins that help in making your immune system strong. Most of them are rich in natural sources of nutrients to the body and overall health. Make sure that you are consuming vitamins A, C, B2, D and E to avoid any kind of infection during this crisis.

2. Get some sun. 
Make sure that you are getting enough vitamin D as that plays an important role in keeping your immune system strong. You can get some sunlight. On the contrary, if you don’t get enough natural light, that may increase the risk of respiratory infections.

3. Open your mouth and say “om.” 
It’s time to get indulged in some meditation. Meditation has many physical advantages, it nurtures your well-being and body and aligns your soul and mind. You can start practicing meditation go for a massage therapy, this will help build your immune system.

4. Try turmeric. 
It is one of the quintessential ingredients that is found in the kitchen. It is a storehouse of many benefits, this orange-yellow spice has a distinctive flavor and is mustard in color. It has anti-inflammatory properties which help in the prevention of illness. Many experts also said that it helps in preventing deadly diseases such as cancer.

You can consult  the expertise of our institute. It is always best to take the right route. These traditional medications have no cons! It helps your body to function well.

Don’t forget to share your favorite immune-boosting remedy in the comment section below. Share your recipes and let’s use this quarantine-time effectively! 

Jindal Naturopathy Bangalore is the Best Naturopathy Center in India.