High blood pressure is one of the health conditions that may not show any symptoms. In the long run, however, it can put you at a greater risk. Various medicines are available to get the blood pressure back to the normal levels. Is there also a natural way of controlling it?
JindalHospital Bangalore suggests that yoga can help in controlling blood pressure naturally. There are 3 best yoga asanas that you can perform to control your blood pressure.
1. Practice Balasana or Child Pose
Balasana is a yoga pose that is very beneficial for the patients of hypertension. Several factors that can cause high levels of blood pressure can be worked upon with this pose. When you perform this pose, you will feel a calming effect from your shoulders to the neck. Proper circulation of blood in the body and reduced levels of stress are the best benefits of the balasana.
2. Practice Sukhasana or Easy Pose
Many of you may have heard that the easy pose is good for the regulation of breathing. Jindal Hospital Bangalore shares that when you do the sukhasana, you begin to have a healthy and peaceful mind. You will also feel a reduction in stress. The easy pose will also work on relieving the stress from your neck and back. On the whole, it will help in controlling the blood pressure levels as well.
3. Practice Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose
The third best pose for reducing the problem of high blood pressure involves bhujangasana. By practising this pose regularly, you can expect a good circulation of blood as well as oxygen in your body. As you continue to do this pose, you will also notice flexibility in your body.
Not only for the patients of high blood pressure but also for the patients of asthma, this yoga asana will be helpful.
Final Notes
Patients of high blood pressure, who started
practising these yoga asanas regularly, have noticed great differences in their
body. To enhance the flow of blood and oxygen in your body, you can also
practice these asanas.